There was this part at the end of the book that gave a few questions to ask when we want to do some personal self reflection and assessment. Not fancy questions, but down to earth, bring you back to reality sort of questions. Thought to share it, so that if you like to, you can have a think about it.
- What was my original calling from God?
- What activities that I am involved in do I love the most?
- What activities and people have been draining my tank?
- If i retired today with several million dollars and no debts, what would I do?
- What am I doing now that I cannot do anymore?
The first question struck me most, as that has always been the question that I bring myself back to when I reflect upon where I am in God now, and things that have happened so far in my life. It is "my starting point", telling myself that my calling is where I need to start again every time I "trip and fall".
I realise that the questions above, your answers may differ as you go through different seasons of your life, but the 1st question, that answer, should be the same. It is God's call in your life. I am challenged to stick to the call of God in my life. Sometimes when the rubber hits the road, sticking to that call becomes almost so hard that you don't want to face up to it. Ask yourself, what is pushing and motivating you to keep doing the work that you do today? Whether it is your day to day job, or even your spiritual responsibilities in the house of God. I find that when I go through the great moments of my life, it is so easy to asnwer that question. But I also see that it is in the tough times in life that truly brings out the essence of one's motivation.
Can I encourage all out there, whatever seasons you are going through in your life, God's call on your life remains. What matters is our response to God.