Thursday, November 20, 2008

Till Death Us Do Part

This is a very common phrase we hear in marriage vows, where the commitment of the husband and wife to each other is ........... only death will part our ways. Recently, I flew back to Singapore to attend a covenant sister's wedding, and it was a privilege to just witness the joining of a man and woman. What really struck me, time and time again, is the amount of preparation and work that gone in to make the bride the most beautiful bride; before the bride is presented to the groom. And in order for the bride to be made the most beautiful one, the bride has to go through a whole lot of things, which at times, comes at a price, and also suffering.

Thinking about that, brought me to once again see the price that we have to pay, in order to be ready to meet with our groom (Jesus), when He returns, I pray, not just me, but the church, will truly be the "most beautiful, without blemish" bride. The price and suffering is not for nothing, but it is to await the perfect coming of Christ.

If any girl would be willing to suffer to be the most beautiful bride on their wedding day, why should we as Christians not be willing to suffer to be the best for Jesus on the day of His coming. The same commitment that we say or will say unto our spouse, should be the same commitment, and even more, unto Jesus. Except to know that death will not separate us, because of the eternal life that God has promised.

What are you willing to pay for your "wedding" to Jesus? He's offering eternity, would you commit?

Anyway, enjoy the video below of "xiao mei" on her wedding day :)

Amazing Grace - Celine Dion

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Father & Son

Have you ever thought deeper about how a father truly demonstrates that they will back their son (or child) all the way to the end, despite the situations.

I know that my God will back me all the way, even if I come to the point of becoming invalid in my own capacities. God will take me all the way, just like how this father has done it for his son.

The video tells it all, I don't have much to say, and hope that this is a source of inspiration for you to do all that you want to do, in order to plant the Kingdom of God, no matter how challenging the situation is..........WHY???? HOW CAN I DO IT????? because God will back me up all the way to the end.

Demonstration of God's love & Support :)
A son says to his father: "Dad, would you be willing to run a marathon with me?"
The father, despite his age and heart disease, says "YES".
And they run that marathon together
The son asks: "Dad, can you run another marathon with me?" Again father says "Yes"/
They run another marathon, together.

One day the son asks his father:"Dad, would you please do the Iron Man with me?"
Now just in case you wouldn't know. "The Iron Man is the toughest triathlon in existance; 4km swimming, then 180km by bike, and finally another 42 km running in one stroke.
Again father says "Yes"
Maybe this doesn't touch you yet by heart, until you watch the video:

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How big is your frying pan?

Interesting title? Yes, I'm inspired and challenged as I heard this.

Sat in the leaders conference "Planting the Kingdom", and was listening to Ps. Obaja (a pastor of the largest church in Solo - 20,000 in size and a friend of the hope movement.

One day, a man was fishing, and every fish he catches, he'll measure it against this particular ruler that he brings with him every time. Any fish that is longer than the ruler, he will throw it back into the river, and any fish that is of the same length as the ruler, or smaller, he'll put it into his basket.

After watching this man for a while, the man standing next to this man asked. Usually when people catches a big fish, they will be so happy and take it home, but instead he does the opposite and throws all the big fish back into the river. While when others catches the small fish they throws it back into the river, but yet he keeps them. What is his reason for doing so?

The man replied, bringing up his ruler at the same time. "The ruler is measured to his frying pan, anything that is bigger or longer than his ruler is bigger than the frying pan, and hence he will not be able to cook it.

Well.........I don't know what is your response to this man. But this story basically illustrates that sometimes in life, we tend to just look at it like a frying pan, we limit what we can do for God, according to our own abilities. I thought for a long time after listening to this story. The pastor who was sharing this said that we should never limit God in what He can do. Rather than asking the question, how big is your frying pan? which is equivalent to "how much can we do according to our abilities?"; It should be, "HOW BIG IS THE FISH". We should never limit the size of the "fish" to the size of the frying pan. Same, we should never limit the size of the things that God has called us to, to the size of our abilities.

God commanded in Gen 1:28, to be fruitful and multiply. God did not give us a limit as to how much we should be fruitful and how much to multiply. There is no end to the fruitfulness if we would have faith to believe that God will provide.

As well, the size of your pan will limit you to the size of the fish. Which is also saying that the amount of vision you receive from God will be limited if you only look according to your abilities. We need to ask God for his vision, not ask God according to our abilities.

Isa 54:2
2 "Enlarge the place of your tent,
stretch your tent curtains wide,
do not hold back;
lengthen your cords,
strengthen your stakes."

It says to lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes........... lengthen your cords - extend your capabilities to beyond; and strengthen your faith in the foundations of God, so that you will not be shaken. Do not hold back today, because God wants to spread you. Don't keep focusing on your frying pan, focus on God and the vision that He wants to give to you.