Situations arise.
Circumstances change.
Fluctuations of econonmy
Inflation of prices
Political decisions change
Policies made and re-made
Moods & emotions swing
Taste & cravings come and go
Choices and preferences are different.......
The list can go on and on. There is never a constant thing, it seems impossible to achieve "non-changing status" in anything or anyone, except of course the promise in Hebrews 13:8
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
God achieves the impossible of being the same yesterday, today and forever. This does not just show us that we can then trust in His promises since the yester-years, but we can also come to see the omnipotent God that He can do the impossible to remain the same, in His character, goodness and promises.
When I contrast it, I am glad that God is changing me. I can't imagine myself being the same, it would be disastrous, and one can only realise that you do not need to change when you are perfect. But we'll not reach there yet, but that's what we're all working towards, and God working in us. Changes can be painful, but it need to happen so that we can be molded. Therefore if one is growing, one will have to go through changes, so that we can be perfected by God to be like Him - to become "never-changing". Again, only God can perfect us because only He is perfect and therefore never would have to change.
In your changing circumstances, are you being changed by an unchanging God?