1 Peter 1:6-7
"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith - of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire - may be proved genuine, and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."
How genuine is your faith, is it one that will stand firm through the fires, and not even be shaken? When you look at a house that gets burnt down, it doesn't stay up much longer, even the high heats can cause the building to collaspe. What is so strong that even the fire can't burn down? Even gold will perish in fire..........wow, but God's word teaches us that your faith in God can be stronger than the fire, that it can grow to that place that it will not be burn down by anything.
It goes to show that there is so much that our faith needs growing. It needs to be tested, it needs to be put through trials and fires. It needs to be tested to the extent that even when all around you falls, your faith in God will still draw you back to Him. Is that your faith today? That is the question that I asked myself this couple of days. I have been tempted to give up in certain things that I have been doing, and many a times, it is situational/circumstantial experience that cause me to just feel like giving it all in. But every time when I get there, I am reminded with the fact that God is with me, how can I not trust God?
Last night's sermon about appropriating God's grace in our lives, brings to mind again and again how great God is to me, and how much He loves me. And how much grace He lavishes on me. I'm so glad that there is such a thing as GRACE. Though you don't deserve it, but God still wants to give it to you. I feel so priviledge that God has chosen to give to those who believe in Him, His grace. His grace is more than sufficient, and when you can experience the grace of God in your life, that may spur you on to continue to stick it through with God, and grow in your faith, because of who you know God to be. I pray that you will grow in the genuiness of your faith in God as you continue to understand God's grace in your life too.
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