Friday, November 14, 2008

The Father & Son

Have you ever thought deeper about how a father truly demonstrates that they will back their son (or child) all the way to the end, despite the situations.

I know that my God will back me all the way, even if I come to the point of becoming invalid in my own capacities. God will take me all the way, just like how this father has done it for his son.

The video tells it all, I don't have much to say, and hope that this is a source of inspiration for you to do all that you want to do, in order to plant the Kingdom of God, no matter how challenging the situation is..........WHY???? HOW CAN I DO IT????? because God will back me up all the way to the end.

Demonstration of God's love & Support :)
A son says to his father: "Dad, would you be willing to run a marathon with me?"
The father, despite his age and heart disease, says "YES".
And they run that marathon together
The son asks: "Dad, can you run another marathon with me?" Again father says "Yes"/
They run another marathon, together.

One day the son asks his father:"Dad, would you please do the Iron Man with me?"
Now just in case you wouldn't know. "The Iron Man is the toughest triathlon in existance; 4km swimming, then 180km by bike, and finally another 42 km running in one stroke.
Again father says "Yes"
Maybe this doesn't touch you yet by heart, until you watch the video:

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