Monday, February 16, 2009

Lost for words, Found in HIS hope

It has been a while. I've returned to this blog again and again, not knowing how to write the next blog, or maybe what to really write. So much has happened over the last month, but yet speechless (or wordless), not know how to really write down in words.

God has allowed certain things to happen for He knows the best for the situation. I have always taken on the promise of Jeremiah 29:11, and I thank God for this promise.

These are the words at the bottom of my heart....... which I find great delight in, because of the hope that it brings.

In my loneliness, YOU are there
In my loneliness, YOU draw me close to your heart
In the times of lost, YOU guided me
In the times of lost, YOU open the doors
In the midst of turmoil, YOU showed the way
In the midst of uncertainties, YOU gave me confidence
Most of all..........
In the midst of wanting to give up........
YOU encouraged me
YOU spoke to me
YOU held my hands
YOU held my tears
YOU wiped away the pain
YOU gave me hope
but I know that YOUR HOPE & CONFIDENCE is always there, it is ME that needs to make a decision. A decision to say ........
I am encouraged
I heard your voice
I hold your hands
I cry to you
I continued to carry on, because
YOU gave me HOPE.

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

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