HOW I MISS YOU........................
Today isn't the happiest day, it is one that is full of thoughts as I sent my parents off home. There is always that difficult feeling when you wave goodbye to someone you love. You know that you'll still see that person soon, but yet it is hard to just part for the moment. As usual, I teared as I see them step off to go back home, and as I continue with my life in Brissy.
I asked myself, this is not just an emotional tear, it is one of love, it is one that will miss the treasured moments. And I ask myself, do I also have the same sort of feelings and passion for my Father in heaven. As I love my parents so much, how much more do I love God? Do I cry when I don't meet with Him that day? Do I tear as I forget to spend time with Him? This really threw me to understand about deeper love for God. How much would I miss Him? I do miss Him when I haven't talk or spend time with God after a couple of days, but I pray and ask God, to help me to have a deeper passion for God, that I'll miss Him so much that I wouldn't even bare to leave and not spend time with Him.
I want to grow in this depth of my love for God. It should never be a moment that I don't treasure. As much as I treasure my life with my family, and the memories that we have together, I also want to treasure my time with God, and remember the goodness and faithfulness of Him in my life. As I catch up with a friend this afternoon, as I shared about my testimonies in ministries and families and etc........ I was again touched that God has done so much in my life, and that He has blessed me so much that I felt I needed to give thanks to God.
Thank you for the Cross
Thank you for dying for our sins
Thank you for my family
Thank you for the friends around me
Thank you for the love and care from people around
Thank you for the joy
Thank you for the peace
Thank you for Han
Thank you for everything that I can enjoy in life
There is so much, I think this list can go on and on.........................Indeed there is nothing that can be compared to the greatness of God, that I am always amazed. I pray God, I'll never miss you, because of my passion that I would want to keep staying in the presence and love of God. Thank you again God.
Today isn't the happiest day, it is one that is full of thoughts as I sent my parents off home. There is always that difficult feeling when you wave goodbye to someone you love. You know that you'll still see that person soon, but yet it is hard to just part for the moment. As usual, I teared as I see them step off to go back home, and as I continue with my life in Brissy.
I asked myself, this is not just an emotional tear, it is one of love, it is one that will miss the treasured moments. And I ask myself, do I also have the same sort of feelings and passion for my Father in heaven. As I love my parents so much, how much more do I love God? Do I cry when I don't meet with Him that day? Do I tear as I forget to spend time with Him? This really threw me to understand about deeper love for God. How much would I miss Him? I do miss Him when I haven't talk or spend time with God after a couple of days, but I pray and ask God, to help me to have a deeper passion for God, that I'll miss Him so much that I wouldn't even bare to leave and not spend time with Him.
I want to grow in this depth of my love for God. It should never be a moment that I don't treasure. As much as I treasure my life with my family, and the memories that we have together, I also want to treasure my time with God, and remember the goodness and faithfulness of Him in my life. As I catch up with a friend this afternoon, as I shared about my testimonies in ministries and families and etc........ I was again touched that God has done so much in my life, and that He has blessed me so much that I felt I needed to give thanks to God.
Thank you for the Cross
Thank you for dying for our sins
Thank you for my family
Thank you for the friends around me
Thank you for the love and care from people around
Thank you for the joy
Thank you for the peace
Thank you for Han
Thank you for everything that I can enjoy in life
There is so much, I think this list can go on and on.........................Indeed there is nothing that can be compared to the greatness of God, that I am always amazed. I pray God, I'll never miss you, because of my passion that I would want to keep staying in the presence and love of God. Thank you again God.