Sunday, November 05, 2006

In the Presence of God

It has been a long time since i continued my blog in msn. I've had feedback that people are not able to access well, decided to change.

In the last two weeks or so........something that God has laid upon my heart - is about His Love, and what is His love, and why His love? It has always amazed me as a Christian and human being, that Christ's love is everlasting, and neverending. I wondered how that can happen when we as humans are so imperfect, and yet the love from our Father is everlasting.

I asked..........."Would God's patience, grace and love run out?" The answer is no, but if we choose to step out of His grace, then we will not experience it. It's like what King David Pslams 51:10-12, that he does not want to be cast out of the presence of God, and I thought, "Yes, I do not want to either." I then realise it is our choice, and it is our responsibility, and it is us who have to take that action. Many a times, we may just conveniently say that we are in the presence of God, and God is here, or even let's just enjoy the presence.

I figured that when King David makes that decision not to be cast out of the presence of God, it goes to show that it is not out of convenience. So what is the presence of God? It is just a sensation, feeling or why we need to be in His presence? If you are extremeley thirsty, and you just needed a glass of water to quench your thirst, and after a moment, you got that glass of water and drank it..........and you are so satisfied. That is what I will illustrate when you are in the presence of God. The hunger that you have, the emptiness, or tiredness, or thirst, is being fulfilled. When we are in the presence of God, but do not respond in faith to receive it, we will still be "thirsty". It is our choice to respond, it is our conviction and action to choose to be in the presence of God, and not just "float" on the presence of God.

What choice are we making daily? Are we making a decision that will keep us in the presence of God? I urge all of us, that we should choose to respond in faith about standing firm in the presence of God, don't just let that presence pass you by and you not responding to it. Have faith and act now.

This is my prayer to God:

Create in me a clean heaert, oh Lord
Renew a right spirit with me (2x)

Cast me not away
From thy presence oh Lord
And take not thy Holy Spirit from me
Restore unto me
The joy of thy salvation
And renew a right spirit
within me

This is a song that King David has written that express his heart felt thanks to God for not casting him away from the presence of God.

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