Sunday, November 05, 2006

FAITH factor - RISK

It has been a fruitful Sunday. Despite the fact that I spent the whole morning preparing for Sunday Service chairing, I learnt a lot from God, and was challenged in my faith. I realise that I am always fearful of stepping out to try new things. And as I prepares for the chairing, something that was laid upon my heart was these words "STEP OUT IN FAITH".

I asked God what does He wants me to step out in? He said "many things"........and I pondered, and as I look at my life, I observe that many a times, I choose things that I am comfortable in doing, I move towards where my strengths are, and I volunteer my services in ways that I have always done so. And I realise that at times, I have missed the call of God upon my life because it is not my usual self to be doing what God has ask of me. And I struggle with it, and rationalize it, and just couldn't bring myself to respond.

As I hear the preaching of the Word of God this afternoon, something that resonates strongly in my heart is that I need to step out to respond in greater faith. I should not just remain in my comfort of what I am familiar with, I should not allow fear to stop me and I should step out and know that God will catch me. When there is fear, there is no faith; It is crucial to rise up in faith, so that I can grow in God. It wasn't just a revelation, but it became a conviction, that I should live by. That if I want to grow in God, I need to make some hard decisions to rise up in faith in God, and not let my fear cover me.

Faith is spelt as RISK............ I always never really identified with that. I know it, but it's not part of my life. I don't think I have taken much risks in my life, but I have learnt how to take calculated risks. I think there still needs to be wisdom applied as we step out in faith. However, these risks that we take should be God instigated. And as God lays it in us, we should take it on and rise up to the challenge of His call.

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