Friday, May 09, 2008

The Perfect Timing

In Ecc 3:1, it says," There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven;" Ever wondered when is that time for everything? And when God says everything, does it mean all good and bad? or even the easy and tough times? Sometimes we go through life and struggle through some seasons of our lives. We complain, we get frustrated, we feel lonely, we become upset, everything just don't seem to be in the right tune in that season. And we just resigned it to fate. But I realise that even in those times, we should not just leave it to fate, but we need to trust in God's perfect timing. That He has brought those trials into our lives, not for us to complain and get upset, but He has brought it, sowe learn that it is our attitude that will get us to "sing in the right tune".
God wants us to go through every activity, not just the good ones, but even the difficult ones. In the last few months of my life, I must say that it hasn't been the easiest times in my life. There were many challenges. It came to some point that I felt that maybe the sun wasn't going to rise again - I wondered about where the strength and hope is going to come from? But now when I look back, I realise that they aren't so difficult, but rather they were a preparation for me to move on to the next level of my faith in God. It had been tough, but I cherished the moments now because it has drawn me closer to God. It has spoken into my heart that God is faithful right to the very end. I realise that I will never have experienced God in such ways if I have never gone through those tough seasons in my life. Sometimes we fear so much to step into the challenges that God presents in our lives. We keep thinking "God, why me? why do I have to go through such things?" I do not know whether you realise then that all these is God's perfect timing to draw you closer to Him. And if you choose to keep staying in your frustration and complaining attitude, you will miss God's perfect timing.
God comes so that we can experience His revealation to us. He didn't just come to make you feel nice about Him. He came so that you can experience the truth through Him. When God brings to you the trials of live, learn to understand that it is the perfect timing of God. I'm sure God doesn't just want you to suffer, but He allows the suffering so that the victory and glory will be sweeter and glory at the end. It is His timing for you. Don't deny it, don't miss it. When I look back now, I realise that everything that has happened, happened at the right time. God knows very well what I can take and He knows clearly what He is doing as well.
Do not miss the perfect timing of God's work in your life. When God brings about it, He knows very well that that is the time you need to go through the trials. Let go of your rights to time (as in what you see as perfect timing), allow God to reveal His perfect plan to you in His perfect timing.

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