Saturday, December 30, 2006

An instrument for Noble purposes

"In a large house, there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay. Some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master, and prepared to do any good work."

2 Timothy 2:20-21 is one of the verses that I've been memorizing, and as I memorize more of it, one thing that clearly stuck within me is "be an instrument for noble purpose, made holy, useful to the Master", and I started asking myself, am I one that is an instrument for noble purposes?

I believe that I am still in the midst of being sanctified and made holy by God, but I realise that there is my part to play. The verse states that if a man...... "IF" is being used, like it is commanding us that it is our choice that we need to cleanse ourselves from impurity. And I then realise that it is not just God sanctifying me, but it is also my choice to respond with faith. And I just want to thank God for being so patience and faithful to me.

A testimony......I have been facing challenges at work, and because of the ethical dilemmas that we are in, I started to have really bad attitudes, and was becoming negative, wanting to give up. The team that I'm leading, naturally picks up from me and also developed bad attitudes and negative feelings towards all that is happening. And I realise that my influence on the team is wrong. As I reflect back, I realise that I have allowed the enemies to use me. And the prompt in my heart is that "despite how bad the situation may be, I should continue to reflect Christ, and continue to shine the love of Christ." The Holy Spirit prompts become stronger and stronger each day as I pray and seek Him, and that's when I know that I have sinned before God. I prayed and repented before God.

And my heart was.........God, use me for noble purposes, use me in this workplace, change me so that people can see Christ in me. I prayed and asked God to really help me, cos it is really seeing beyond what people has done, and continue to lead others beyond what is impossible. I realise that for me to lead my team, I need to rise above the circumstances, and I need to see beyond the negativity. I made a decision to be positive and encouraging instead. I decided that I will make a difference in the workplace. I went in to work last week, and made a note that I will not be negative about whatever that is happening, but rather point people in a direction to look at the positives, and to celebrate. Slowly, people started to ease off the negativity. It is still lingering, but people are choosing to look at other positives that has happened and will be happening. And I even had the opportunity to share with some of my colleagues about Christ, and as well, even just encouraging them in God, and letting most know that I'll be praying for everyone of them, and the situation.

It is not like any amazing thing that has happened, but yet, it is the choice that one made.........whether we want to be use for noble purposes? And if so, we have to make sure that our hearts are pure before God. God will demonstrate His faithfulness, but we need to keep our lives right before God.

** For all those working out there........ what is the difference you can make in your workplace today? Is there some actions and attitudes you have that could draw others towards God? Think about it, it's worth it when we commit it to the Lord, and He will bring us to share with our colleagues. For me, I had the opportunity to share with my manager, and even encourage her. It probably wasn't easy, but God opened the door. God can do it for you too.

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