Thursday, December 25, 2008
One Christmas day ...........
Christmas has a special place in my heart, because it is the day that I gave my heart and life to Jesus.It was the start of a new life, and a start of a change of life. As the bible says, the old is gone, and the new has come. Looking back, i could still remember the moment, when i lift up my hand to say "yes, i want to receive Jesus into my life". Never would i have imagine that at that point, my life would never be the same again.
Looking back, for the last 13 years, I realise that God's grace is upon my life, time after time. God has never failed me in the last 13 years - of course there were times of discouragement, and frustrations, but I have come to witness that God's love never fails during those times as well. Even when I go through the valleys of life, I know that God walks through it with me.
I don't think I can spell out and list out every single testimony ........... I will never finish writing this blog. But below is my gratitude and love unto God
Once without joy; now filled with JOY (Psalm 16:11)
Joy not from the world, but Joy from God (Nehemiah 8:10)
Joy is a Gift from God, and
Joy is a gift I want to give back to God
God's love is amazing, and unspeakable (Jeremiah 31:3)
His love covers over all my sin, and (1 Peter 4:8)
His love continues to cover over my life (1 John 4:10)
His love is everlasting, and like Romans 8 says,
"Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ" (Romans 8:38-39)
His love is experienced in every moment of my life (Psalm 121:2-3)
His grace is deeper than the oceans can reach (2 Corinthians 12:9)
His hope is higher than the skies (Isaiah 40:30-31)
His mercy is wider than the horizons of the earth (Isaiah 55:8-9)
There is nothing than can separate us from God (Psalm 125:1)
Because He is every where, and He chooses to be with us. (Joshua 1:9)
God's love is never limiting (1 Corinthians 13:1-8)
Think beyond, and you'll see God's love a bit more every day (Psalm 103:11-12)
The relationship that you have with God, is one that you can enjoy
Enjoy it and be filled with the Holy Ghost.
I cannot say enough .......
I love you Jesus
Christmas is not just a time of gifts, friends, food, and Jesus birthday.... it is a reminder for me that my life was changed because of God's love for me. I cannot imagine what my life will be like if I have not come to know God's love for myself. Above all ........ the gift I have received, is not just for me, but is for all of you as well.
Monday, December 22, 2008
A Lifetime of LEARNING
As I started thinking through 2008, and planning for 2009, I came to a conclusion, that there is so much that has been learnt, and there is so much more to learn still. 2008 has been a year of steep learning. The climbing of the learning curve hasn't been easy, but it has been fruitful.
Let me spell out some learning curve, and what it has been for the year.......
Relationship with God - am never going to learn enough about who God is in my life. This year, it has been a humbling year to just come back to the basics to grow in a deeper relationship with God. There is so much more that I have to come to rely on God. It is so crucial, to keep understanding and pursuing the heart of God. It is because of this pursuing of His heart, that has kept me on through the trials of this year. One thing I know about the Heart of God for me ........ is that I need to be certain of His call upon my life, and be confident that as He has called, He will provide. It hasn't been an easy one, especially since there has been a few crisis point in my life this year that I have to keep coming back to be renewed of His call in my life.
Pastoral - this is always a growing challenge. To continue to love the people , and to continue to deepen the people's relationship with God. This year, it had been a year of stretching, running between life group, unit and sub-district leading. Coming up with innovative pastoral structure to challenge effectiveness. At the end of the day, I have to remind myself ............. it is people that I'm leading, not groups. Further, I am humbled by the very fact that everytime, it is by God's grace that I am still standing firm in God. This year of stretching has challenged me to continue to expand and continue to grow.
Operations Ministry - this has been one of the most exciting aspect. I've never been so involved in operations ministry until this year......... especially so with Events Mgt. Wow..... it's all i can say. Everything is new, everything is a learning point. All the events organised, whether good, bad, successful, or could be better.......... one thing that i gain, is that I have learnt another thing, and more so, I have learnt to rely and trust God. It is a joy to serve, and it has brought a deeper understanding of "the joy of the Lord is my strength". When you find the what the joy of the Lord is (pursuing the heart of God), it is such joy that brings you strength to keep doing what you do for God. Thanks to all the insightful thoughts and challenges from Mr C.Bee :)
Relationship - Been a challenge. A good one...........and a difficult one. But in all, a sweet one, after the painful process. That's why the Chinese saying "Go through the pain first, and you'll enjoy the sweetness of the pain after". Thanks to the humility and patience of the one who love me.
There is much more of course than what i've written here. But this is in a nutshell of 2008, so my point here is .......... don't stop learning. 2009 here we come, to learn, learn and LEARN.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Till Death Us Do Part
Thinking about that, brought me to once again see the price that we have to pay, in order to be ready to meet with our groom (Jesus), when He returns, I pray, not just me, but the church, will truly be the "most beautiful, without blemish" bride. The price and suffering is not for nothing, but it is to await the perfect coming of Christ.
If any girl would be willing to suffer to be the most beautiful bride on their wedding day, why should we as Christians not be willing to suffer to be the best for Jesus on the day of His coming. The same commitment that we say or will say unto our spouse, should be the same commitment, and even more, unto Jesus. Except to know that death will not separate us, because of the eternal life that God has promised.
What are you willing to pay for your "wedding" to Jesus? He's offering eternity, would you commit?
Anyway, enjoy the video below of "xiao mei" on her wedding day :)
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Father & Son
I know that my God will back me all the way, even if I come to the point of becoming invalid in my own capacities. God will take me all the way, just like how this father has done it for his son.
The video tells it all, I don't have much to say, and hope that this is a source of inspiration for you to do all that you want to do, in order to plant the Kingdom of God, no matter how challenging the situation is..........WHY???? HOW CAN I DO IT????? because God will back me up all the way to the end.
Demonstration of God's love & Support :)
A son says to his father: "Dad, would you be willing to run a marathon with me?"
The father, despite his age and heart disease, says "YES".
And they run that marathon together
The son asks: "Dad, can you run another marathon with me?" Again father says "Yes"/
They run another marathon, together.
One day the son asks his father:"Dad, would you please do the Iron Man with me?"
Now just in case you wouldn't know. "The Iron Man is the toughest triathlon in existance; 4km swimming, then 180km by bike, and finally another 42 km running in one stroke.
Again father says "Yes"
Maybe this doesn't touch you yet by heart, until you watch the video:
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
How big is your frying pan?
Sat in the leaders conference "Planting the Kingdom", and was listening to Ps. Obaja (a pastor of the largest church in Solo - 20,000 in size and a friend of the hope movement.
One day, a man was fishing, and every fish he catches, he'll measure it against this particular ruler that he brings with him every time. Any fish that is longer than the ruler, he will throw it back into the river, and any fish that is of the same length as the ruler, or smaller, he'll put it into his basket.
After watching this man for a while, the man standing next to this man asked. Usually when people catches a big fish, they will be so happy and take it home, but instead he does the opposite and throws all the big fish back into the river. While when others catches the small fish they throws it back into the river, but yet he keeps them. What is his reason for doing so?
The man replied, bringing up his ruler at the same time. "The ruler is measured to his frying pan, anything that is bigger or longer than his ruler is bigger than the frying pan, and hence he will not be able to cook it.
Well.........I don't know what is your response to this man. But this story basically illustrates that sometimes in life, we tend to just look at it like a frying pan, we limit what we can do for God, according to our own abilities. I thought for a long time after listening to this story. The pastor who was sharing this said that we should never limit God in what He can do. Rather than asking the question, how big is your frying pan? which is equivalent to "how much can we do according to our abilities?"; It should be, "HOW BIG IS THE FISH". We should never limit the size of the "fish" to the size of the frying pan. Same, we should never limit the size of the things that God has called us to, to the size of our abilities.
God commanded in Gen 1:28, to be fruitful and multiply. God did not give us a limit as to how much we should be fruitful and how much to multiply. There is no end to the fruitfulness if we would have faith to believe that God will provide.
As well, the size of your pan will limit you to the size of the fish. Which is also saying that the amount of vision you receive from God will be limited if you only look according to your abilities. We need to ask God for his vision, not ask God according to our abilities.
Isa 54:2
2 "Enlarge the place of your tent,
stretch your tent curtains wide,
do not hold back;
lengthen your cords,
strengthen your stakes."
It says to lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes........... lengthen your cords - extend your capabilities to beyond; and strengthen your faith in the foundations of God, so that you will not be shaken. Do not hold back today, because God wants to spread you. Don't keep focusing on your frying pan, focus on God and the vision that He wants to give to you.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Heart of Worship
But well, I can truly say that meeting with God is one of the best things that you can do in life.
Worship is such a beautiful thing, such a privilege to be able to just be in the presence of God to worship, and to enjoy Him. When we were worshipping with the song "Heart of Worship" one of my all time favourites, I was just awaken by the simple lyrics of this song, and had a gentle reminder.........that this day, it is all about Jesus, not about my work, my ministry, my people, my life, but it is about God. And when we can submit to God in this manner, worship wouldn't be a chore, but a joy.
Let's learn from the lyrics of the song:
When the music fades
All is stripped away
(When you choose to surrender all unto God, where there is the understanding that there is none left of you. Just as Paul puts it, that he considers all things rubbish, except the very fact of having Christ in Him; Philippians 3:8 "What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consdier them rubbish, that I may gain Christ." - there needs to be a heart of humility in this, a deep humility that is willing to come to the point of all being stripped of your life)
And I simply come
(and it's only when you can come to that point of humility, then you can SIMPLY COME)
Longing just to see
(when there is nothing left, I pray that we will only long to come and meet with God)
Something that's of worth
(because God is so precious that we know that we are willing to be stripped of all, so that we can come to be with God. It really brings out, are you willing to give of your all, so that you can come and meet with God - how much are you willing to sacrifice to come to God)
That will bless your heart
I'll bring you more than a song
For a song in itself
(it is not just a song of worship, but more than the words of the lyrics that we sing, it is the words from our hearts that we sing)
It's not what you have required
You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart
(God doesn't see the outward, but He looks into your heart. 1 Samuel 16:7 "The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart". I'm so glad that this is the case, but to remember to always search and examine our heart, that our heart is right before God, that our heart is true to God.)
I'm coming back to the heart of worship
When it's all about you
(We'll come back to the true place of worship, the true humility of worship when we know that worship is all about Jesus - it is about giving all unto Jesus, praising Jesus, thanking Him, adoring Him, loving Him. There is no point of worship when the focus is shifted from coming back to God. The reason that we existed is because God has created us to worship Him.)
It's all about you, Jesus
I'm sorry Lord for the things I've made it
(Come back to that heart of repentance, the heart of forgiveness. Know that God loves you for who you are; God forgives, and God accepts. Would we choose to come to that place of humility, to ask God to forgive of our sins, and times of unbelief and lack of faith, do we know that God accepts when we choose to turn back to Him - look at the story of the prodigal son - Luke 15:11-31)
When it's all about you
It's all about you, Jesus.
Well..........this is God's heart. Would we pursue after His heart when we worship Him. Minister unto Him, draw close to him, receive His grace and mercy............Enjoy the worship unto God. Let it spalsh forth from your heart as you sing praises and worship unto Him. One day in His courts is better than a thousand days elsewhere.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Amazing Grace
I just want to take this opportunity to truly thank God for all that He has done, not just in my life, for the last 10 years that I have been part of the church, Hope Brisbane. But as well, just for all that He has brought this church to.......just hearing all the different sharing from the different people just goes to show that this day it is the lives of people that matter. It is not just about what is working well, and what is a better method. But it is about a life. A life that God treasures, a life that matters to God
As we celebrate Hope Brisbane's 15th Anniversary, it brought back a lot of fond memories when I first came in to the church, and how God has blessed me, but more so, how God has brought so many people into our midst, and one question I was asking myself........whose life have I made a difference in today? When I go up to heaven, and meet God, and if God is to ask me...........whose life have i made a difference in, I hope I will be ready to answer that.
As i look back for these 10 years in the church, I just see how God has grown different ones, and also the church. Not just in numbers, but in our lives as well. When I listen to the song sang...........thanks choir (for the wonderful "thank you" song), and as I worshipped God, it just really brought a heart that could not express in words "thank you to God" and thank you to the church leadership team, and thank you to all who have been part of my life. I couldn't express that sense of gratitude, and that no matter how much I do, or will provide, it just seems like it is not enough, because all of you have done so much, not just for me, but for the church.
The celebration that we had, not just brought back fond memories, and lots of thank you, but it also demonstrates God's amazing love. Despite a church that is so not perfect, yet God is willing to keep loving and keep preparing. Looking at all the things that have past, and even just this whole organisation of the anniversary, I can only say that it is God's amazing love and grace that has driven us to where we are today. So what can I say..........but to ask you to join with me to THANK GOD for all.
And I just want to say thank you for all who has put in the hard work for the church
And as well, thank God for the whole events team for anniversary, who has been gracriously patience, helpful and willing to go the extra mile. You have made a difference :)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
When God says "No"
All the things I valued most,
Until I was empty-handed;
Every glittering toy was lost.
And I walked earth's highways, grieving,
In my rags and poverty.
Till I heard His voice inviting,
"Lift those empty hands to Me!"
So I held my hands towards Heaven,
And He filled them with a store
Of His own transcendent riches
Till they could contain no more.
And at last I comprehended
With my stupid mind and dull,
That God could not pour His riches
Into hands already full!
Not sure what this poem may mean to you, but it is a lesson that I am constantly learning as a Christian. As a child of God, we constantly seek God, and ask from Him, but yet we go to Him with so much in our hands, expecting that we can carry more, expecting more, not realising that God is asking us to drop and let go of somethings, so that He can bless us with the best.
I realise that when we come before God, seeking Him and praying to Him, asking Him to provide, asking Him to bless, we didn't do the part to first seek Him and His heart first. Because if we have, and when God says "no" to us, we'll understand. We'll not blame God when the things don't happen the way we plan it. We'll not be upset and disappointed with God, because we know that He has something greater in store for us.
I was reading about David; YES, David, my favourite character in the Bible....Again, learning from Him. I am sure His heart must have pained so much when God told Him, that it is not for Him to build the house for the ark of God, but it will be his son, Solomon. Imagine that, at that point, I'm sure David had thought through how he will want to so very much be the one to build the temple of God, probably even wanting to be that master builder, planning and thinking, and even strategising. And then at the point of seeking God, God gently says "no" (2 Samuel 7:12-13 & 2 Chronicles 6:7-9). I'm sure for many of us, we tend to wrestle so much with God, when He says "no" to your dream at that point. But do we realise the heart of God when He says no.
If we learn from David, we realise that there is so much humility in Him towards God, His response is one that is of surrender unto God, saying to God "Who am I" to say that it is me who will build Your temple. 2 Samuel 7:18-20, and again verses 22-29. It brought up the deep humility of David to not just obey, but even support God, even when He did not fully understand. I'm sure we feel that at times, what we want to do for is so great to be able to "build that temple for God". It is for God, but why did God say "no". I'm sure David did not fully understand, but he choose to support and run with God.
In the times of challenges, changes, we may resist it so much, thinking that God, what I want to do is to glorify your name, and to do something great for you. But ask yourself, what is truly the heart of God for you in this whole situation. Don't just have a mindset of God, I want to do this for you, but rather, God what would you want me to do. God will commend you for what you want to do, but God desires obedience more than sacrifices; so it's not just about what you will do for Him, but would we seek Him for what He wants us to do? That's obedience.
Sometimes I don't understand as well, why I did the things I did, but only know that it was directed by God. Of course as time goes, it came to being to realise that God knows the best :) Alright, let's learn to take God's "No" with great humility, and not great disappointment.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Communicating for Life Change
Anyway, I have been reading this book by Andy Stanley and Lane Jones, on "Communicating for a Change". I am challenged to feel that I need to grow in my communication, not for the sake to be a better public speaker, but for the sake of God's Kingdom. I learn that when we communicate, especially the Word of God, it is teaching people about the Bible, not teaching the Bible to the people. (Leave you to ponder on this :) )
And as well............our goal of communication should be to see life change. I learn that it is easy to grow in communication, but it is not easy to be able to communicate and see life change. I realise that there is so much that we need to rely on God, that as we communicate, that we communicate His heart to the people, His heart for the people is something that God desires for His people to know. His love, his grace and His holiness is something that God desires for people to understand and relate. When we teach and share the Word of God, it is not just communicating a knowledge and principle, but it is about imparting the heart of God, so that there can be life change.
I have been pondering upon this for a couple of weeks (that's why I'm reading what I'm reading).....and have been asking God to show me how can I communicate and impart the Word of God that it will bring about life change. I don't just want people to remember what I share (in terms of the knowledge and principle), but I want people to become convicted through the Word that I share, and through that, people can respond to God, and not to me. That will bring life change then. It is not about how well I can "put flowers" into my sharing, but it is about God's spirit and convictions flowing through and into the lives of others.
One thing that truly still resonates in my heart, from the book, is "INTERNALIZE THE MESSAGE". That's when I realise that I need to internalize my message more, not just about memorizing it, but about relating and identifying with it, convicted about it that the sharing comes out like a heart-felt sharing. This brings me to a very clear message, that I need to grow deeper with God, I need to have those personal breakthroughs, that I need to deepen in all those personal convictions, and that comes through the personal time and relationship I have with God. The internalization does not come because I memorize the message. It comes because God brought it to life in you. That is how one can internalize it deeper.
When I look at it, I realise that every time I deliver a sharing or teaching, when the sharing was inspired by God, I found it a lot easier to impart. But when it is brought out through research and preparation, it is a lot harder to impart. And that's when I said to myself, "Joy, it is time to prepare your hearts before God, not before man." And that's when I pray and ask God to show me in those areas, what I need to grow in.
Anyway.......what I want to share with you all today is that even communication is not a skill in itself. It is an empowerment from God, and to communciate for life change, we need to be changed by God too.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
The Battle Belongs to the Lord
It brings out the value of facing our giants, and 4 things to bring up that really blessed my heart as I read that story of David and Goliath:
1. Facing giants is an intimidating experience - yet David said "My God is greater than he." Is our God bigger than our giants, or have we put our giants to be greater than God. 1 Jn 4:4 "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."
2. Doing battle is a lonely experience - no one else can fight that "goliath" in your life. It is on the lonely battlefiled that I need to learn to come back to lean on God and trust Him. It is not in my leaders, my acheivements or skills or knowledge that I trust upon. But GOD alone.
3. Trusting God is a stabalizing experience - When we trust God, it helps us not to be "jittery", but rather to stand firm and know that God is on our side. This sort of trust comes by us coming on our knees to seek God, and find that strength from Him.
4. Winning victories is memorable - Remember the past victories that God has given unto you. I choose to remember the things that God has brought me through, and choose to see beyond my own skills, and know that it was God who led us through. Journal it, write it, share it...........this will inspire the faith of many others.
At the end, God is asking us not to let that giant step any further into your territory, but rather to really take that "sling of FAITH" and step out to fight the battle, just as who you are, not as anybody else. And know that God can use us when we trust in Him. Remember the battle is the Lord's, but it is for us to trust in Him to let Him fight it for us. We need to have faith.
Want to encourage you if you find yourself fighting the battle on your own strength, remember, fight with faith, not by might nor power, but by His Spirit that we can overcome. The battle today is not a physical battle, but a spiritual one, fight it on your knees to the Lord. Remember TRUST GOD.
Friday, August 01, 2008
Strength in HIS REFUGE
Under your wings I take REFUGE
Your Spirit lives within my heart
I know we'll never be APART
Every day I draw closer to you Lord
I long to see your FACE
and hide in Your EMBRACE
All my life
Dwelling in your HOLY PLACE
My heart o Lord you've changed
I'll never be the same
This song - "Refuge City" brings out the intimacy that you can have with God.
Let me not ever be cast from your presence o God
Instead, because we'll never be apart,
Draw me closer and closer to you
Draw me into your refuge
Let me hide under your wings
Grant me the desire to just want to be in your embrace
God when I come to hide in you
Change me, that I can face life with your STRENGTH, COURAGE
God whatever that needs to change
Let your Spirit do that work
Humble me, strip me to the point of nothing - where I can't even rely on my capabilities
Let it not be my confidence
Let it not be my strength
Let it not be my skills
Let it not be my wisdom/knowledge
But let it be THE SPIRIT OF GOD
Let it be by the POWER OF GOD
Draw me closer into your refuge
It is in your refuge that we can find CONFIDENCE, STRENGTH, WISDOM, ANOINTING;
Because God, it is YOU.
God, I believe that you are my all, all of my portion belongs to you.
When you go through those moments where you just feel that you can't do it anymore, don't question where God is, but rather, come into the embrace of God, and rely on Him. Those moments of helplessness, is for us to experience the goodness and grace of God. Don't let those moments go, but take heart, and choose to enter into the presence of God.
That's me.............I am choosing to RUN into my Father's embrace. Would you as well
Friday, July 11, 2008
Judah 7's VISION
Matthew 22:37-39 is the very core of the life group. We want to be build upon this principle of Love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, ALL your soul and ALL your mind. And then, love your neighbour as yourself. The 2 greatest commandment that God has given us, is very much the same heart beat I have for Judah 7. I remember when we first started Judah 7, it was a small group. I was challenged to really grow it and my motto then, as a leader, was Love God, and Love His people. And many times, when I go through the challenges of leading a unit, with the ups and downs, and things that you expect to go right, goes wrong, I had to come back to the point of Love God and His people. This very fact of Loving God and Loving His people kind of motivated me to keep on leading and never giving up.
As we pushed through, by God's grace, Judah 7 grew, and we saw many lives coming to know Christ, and lives being transformed. Being part of Judah 7 is one that I will never trade with anything else in my life.
Anyway, coming back to the focus of Matthew 22:37-39, I came to realise that our foundations need to be build deep, deep relationship with God, through deep prayer, intimacy and worship unto God. In the recent unit getaway, Judah 7 had a theme of "DEEPER" and it was with a clear focus to really want to encourage all to draw deeper to a next level, in their relationship with God. This theme has actually "disturbed" me for a fair bit of time, before and even after the getaway. It really place me in a real uncomfortable spot, to realise that I need to keep growing deeper. Despite the simplicity of prayer life, quiet time and worship, yet God asks that we keep doing it and going back to it.
Once our foundation is strong, and firm, and as we keep adding on to it the simplicity of prayer, quiet time and worship, the foundation "gains more ground", and with a bigger foundation, we can hold more, and rise up to take on more responsibility - to care and to nurture others. All of this will bring us to the place that we can have the capacity to bring others into life group, that we can share with them, love and care. This will give us a good ground to share the love of God with them too. And of course, this brings us then to the 2nd commandment, which can then be fulfilled - Love your neighbour as yourself.
This 2nd commandment cannot be fulfilled, if we don't do the first bit of building a strong foundation of loving God. Because without that, our love for others will just be our own love, and it will be limited. We need to love with God's love.
Judah 7, you can do it, Love the Lord, and then your love for others will be lifted higher. Let's keep praying that as a group, we will fulfill the call that God has for us as a group, and individually.
Uncertainties vs Vision
- What is going to happen to the life group?
- Who will lead the guys/ gals?
- There is not enough shepherds, where to find the extra shepherds?
- Why does the change need to happen now?
- Will the life group cope / manage with the changes?
- What can I do?
- What am I suppose to be doing that I am not currently already doing?
When we lead a group, the above questions could be upon our minds from time to time. I don’t know if you have even come to a point where because there is so much questions, and no answers to it, that you feel that you are an inadequate leader, and that you are not fit to lead. Over the last couple of months, something that really struck me is…….i don’t have an answer for all the questions that I ask myself, and that which, others ask me. Even as I sought God, what came back is “to keep on seeking Him”, which at times can get a bit frustrating, but I’m sure God knows what He is doing. However, this has driven me to go deeper in asking God.
And God brought assurance. I was reading a book by Andy Stanley, Next Generation Leader, and it brought a valuable principle, that it is normal for leaders to face uncertainties. But therefore, what matters most is that we will need to have a clear vision of where we are heading, so that in the midst of the uncertainties, we can still lead our people. This challenged me really to ask myself what is my vision for the people that I am leading? Why am I leading them? And where am I leading them to?
All of these brought me to a revealation that I need to renew in my vision. Why am I a leader? And What is my vision? This is what I am after, and have to sought after. I need a clear vision, a forward-looking vision, a big enough vision that will stir and motivate others to the highest calling that God has led them to. All of these really encouraged me to realise leadership is not just about leading in our certainties, and in our securities. But even in the tough times of uncertainties, and challenges, that we can still lead, because of the vision that God has laid in us. We need to keep the vision burning bright, because this is what will keep us going when the going gets tough.
Don’t let go of the uncertainties, it is placed there to remind and renew our vision. I am sure that we have times that we wish the uncertainties will just fade away. It will not, but I pray that it will stir us to really seek God even more, and not be afraid to face the uncertainties. At times, we worry ourselves too much with the uncertainties, rather than keeping our focus on God. Keep reminding yourself of the vision, and keep stirring yourself towards the vision. Because it is the vision that will help us overcome our uncertainties.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Building Up One Another
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Strength of Compassion
I was watching the coverage of the Sichuan earthquake, and seeing the loss and grief that people have gone through has broke my heart. However the more touching scene, is seeing the love of the workers, who have lost their own families, stepping out to show love and rescue all those out there. Looking at it, made me realise that there is such strength and resilience in the love and compassion of human. No matter how selfish a person may be, in the light of suffering, there seems to be many who would still care for one another.
I'm sure God hears the prayers of many Christians, crying out for the lives of people in Sichuan and Myanmar. Our God is a compassionate God, I have no answer why such tragedies have to happen, just like the 9/11 at WTC, I have no answer. But I know that God is a compassionate God, and that He will desire to bring healing and love into the people who have gone through such. However, these people will never experience God's healing and love if we as Christians do not step out to bring the physical healing, hope and life back into these ones. It really challenges one ...... what would we do to step out to bring God's love practically unto others.
The question that is burning in my heart.............How can we rebuild the lives of all these ones? I've got a pair of hands, and just a simple heart, God .......... use me. This is my prayer, I don't know what to do, but pray. I don't know how God can use this situation to turn people back to Him. But I believe in the compassion of God, that He loves all these ones who are hurting and grieving. Psalm 86 tells of God's compassion, and that His love and mercies are everlasting.
Psalm 86
A prayer of David.
1 Hear, O LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy.
2 Guard my life, for I am devoted to you. You are my God; save your servant who trusts in you.
3 Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I call to you all day long.
4 Bring joy to your servant, for to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul.
5 You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you.
6 Hear my prayer, O LORD; listen to my cry for mercy.
7 In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me.
8 Among the gods there is none like you, O Lord; no deeds can compare with yours.
9 All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name.
10 For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God.
11 Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.
12 I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever.
13 For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the depths of the grave. [a]
14 The arrogant are attacking me, O God; a band of ruthless men seeks my life— men without regard for you.
15 But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.
16 Turn to me and have mercy on me; grant your strength to your servant and save the son of your maidservant. [b]
17 Give me a sign of your goodness, that my enemies may see it and be put to shame, for you, O LORD, have helped me and comforted me
Let the love of God flow. My heart goes out to all the children who have lost their parents, and as well to all the parents who have lost their children. If that's your burden too..........why don't you spend time, right now, to pray together, for all these ones - that their lives can have hope, that they can once again find strength to live because of the love and compassion of God.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Creation of man vs Creation of God
Be more in awe when you think............all those buildings and structure (olympic stadiums, tall buildings, the Singapore flyer and etc.....), requires heaps and heaps of teams of engineers, designers, builders, and etc..... to build it, and I'm sure the make up of a human body will be as detailed as all those buildings and structure......but it is created by God alone. Isn't that amazing, and beyond human understanding? I can never understand how the human body and everything that is required to make it function could be so perfectly planned out. Well, it is not human engineers who did it, but it is God........and hence how wrong it is for people to try to clone human beings today, because it will never be possible, and it is going against the plans of God, to try to act like God. Only God can create such beautiful beings like you and me.
Here's some photos for you to be in awe about:
so many bits and pieces of steel.........
can't really see it in the photo, but it's really complicated
the final product - SINGAPORE FLYER
Inside the can take up to 28 people in 1 capsule, fully air-conditioned
the tallest point
the capsule next to us........this point can only be achieved when we are at the highest point, next to each other
behind me.......they are building the floating soccer field
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Take a Break, Have a cup of coffee
In the last couple of weeks, it has been a personal challenge for me to really grow in trusting God for salvations of non believers, and it has brought me to a new sense of urgency to really step out and share. I was sharing with a friend of mine for a while, and things in life has cause my friend to draw further away from God. I have always said to her, I'll keep praying for her situation, and always encouraged her towards God. But things have taken a slight different route, and I knew that I got a little side tracked too and didn't talk to her more about God, and encouraging her in God. And I was "prompted" one day by God to write an email to this friend, and to really specifically tell her to trust God. And shared with her that it is God who will open the door. And amazingly, about 2 weeks now, this friend's situation has taken a turn for the better. Although there is no outcome yet, but I know that it is God who is moving in her life.
This day.........would we keep doing the work of God of sharing His love??? Hope you'll enjoy the video below. Because I did, and I thought it is such a good way to tell us to look at things from a positive and strengths way, so even when there is a negative word "give up", it can be turned around, when it is for God.
Friday, May 09, 2008
The Perfect Timing
God wants us to go through every activity, not just the good ones, but even the difficult ones. In the last few months of my life, I must say that it hasn't been the easiest times in my life. There were many challenges. It came to some point that I felt that maybe the sun wasn't going to rise again - I wondered about where the strength and hope is going to come from? But now when I look back, I realise that they aren't so difficult, but rather they were a preparation for me to move on to the next level of my faith in God. It had been tough, but I cherished the moments now because it has drawn me closer to God. It has spoken into my heart that God is faithful right to the very end. I realise that I will never have experienced God in such ways if I have never gone through those tough seasons in my life. Sometimes we fear so much to step into the challenges that God presents in our lives. We keep thinking "God, why me? why do I have to go through such things?" I do not know whether you realise then that all these is God's perfect timing to draw you closer to Him. And if you choose to keep staying in your frustration and complaining attitude, you will miss God's perfect timing.
God comes so that we can experience His revealation to us. He didn't just come to make you feel nice about Him. He came so that you can experience the truth through Him. When God brings to you the trials of live, learn to understand that it is the perfect timing of God. I'm sure God doesn't just want you to suffer, but He allows the suffering so that the victory and glory will be sweeter and glory at the end. It is His timing for you. Don't deny it, don't miss it. When I look back now, I realise that everything that has happened, happened at the right time. God knows very well what I can take and He knows clearly what He is doing as well.
Do not miss the perfect timing of God's work in your life. When God brings about it, He knows very well that that is the time you need to go through the trials. Let go of your rights to time (as in what you see as perfect timing), allow God to reveal His perfect plan to you in His perfect timing.
Friday, May 02, 2008
What is your value?
I was listening to a preaching by Dr. A.R Bernard, and he said that we are God's workmanship - God created every single bit within us, but more so, we are His workmanship (as what Ephesians 2:10 says) "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." It is as if God wrote a poem about us.......He wrote about our lives, He has it all planned out that when He wrote that poem, it "rhymes", it is "beautiful" and it is "perfect". God's workmanship was for Him to enjoy, it was for Him to use. Do we realise that we are so "priceless" in the eyes of God, that even He will take time to "write out every single detail about our lives".
When I look at it, I realise then this "perfect" workmanship of God has been not so perfect, because of the value I put upon my own life. I don't see the perfect work that God has first created, and hence I don't value every single bit of my life and at times, get discontented with myself. But wow, when we learn to put great value upon our lives, we will treasure every single moment of it; we will grab every opportunity that comes up because it may be the only one; we will make every decision with great supplication before God because of fear that we may walk out of God's plan; we will love every relationship we have with people because it may be the last that you can show that love; we will run with urgency in all that we do, because we may not be able to finish everything we would like to do...........
When you truly realise the value that God has place on you, and coming to receive that same value yourself, you look at life differently. God values you greatly, He sees you with much more than you can comprehend........Don't give away that value that He has for you;
And I also want to add.......... in all things that you do, when you place value upon it, especially upon the Word of God, as you hear it preached to a great value on it, because when you place a great value on it, you will take it seriously, and you will want to take it and run all the way until you see it come to past.
I don't know if it all makes sense, but remember, your value is determined by God, and when you see God's value on you, you will place great value on the things of God too
Saturday, April 26, 2008
One Devotion
Don't run to the relationships of life, things of the world, career, fame or even ministry for that refuge and strength that you need. Run only unto God; Desire only for God; Serve only to God; and Love because God first love us. What is the cry of your heart today, i don't know about you.........but my cry of my heart, is that I only want God in my life, more than anything else. I want to hear Him, I want to feel His embrace, I want to enjoy His love; nothing else, but just Him alone. Many things in my life suddenly seems to come to "an end"; not as in I've lost everything, but "an end" where I realise that I need to move on; Making that decision and goal right from early 2008, or even end of 2007, to MOVE ON, has stir within my heart that I am not satisfied and I want more of God in my life; I don't want to stay stuck, I don't want to stay the same, I don't want to live the same revelations, I don't want to stay in the corner that I feel I am in, and praying this prayer, has make me made some tough decisions to push myself towards God. It is tough, it is challenging, but knowing that it will help me to Move on, it is all worth it. I don't know if you will understand, but this song below probably demonstrates some of my thoughts......
This is my cry
My one desire
Just to be where You are
Now and forever
It's more than a song
My one desire
Is to be with You
Is to be with You, Jesus
The lyrics of this song "One Desire" by Joel Houston, has been upon my heart over the last 3 months or so.
How much more can I love? I ask God....... God said to me in His still and quiet voice.........You can love more, if your one devotion is Me. That's it........ I think that speaks everything that I've been asking God. Don't love the things of the world - Just love God, and know that it will be His love that He will pour into us, that we can keep loving others with His love. Any my prayer .......... God help me to love you wholeheartedly - Deut 6:5 "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength."